Monday, July 26, 2010

This is really weird. I started this blog over four years ago, my last post was in 2006, and I had totally forgotten about it. Yet somehow even with a new email address the folks at blogspot have developed a way to hook it to my new user name and new blog name. I've been running another blog for almost two years now, and suddenly, out of nowhere, up pops this blog site in my blogger dashboard. As I said...Weird.

Though it does give me an opportunity to write about things other than politics (which is what I write about in my other blog). So, I thought I'd write about a great movie.

I admit that my taste in films have undergone a dramatic change as I've gotten older. My main interest now is no-brain action/adventure. However, I did see Inception last week, and that film is about as far from "no-brain" as one can get. It's definitely an action film, but, boy, you really have to be on top of this movie throughout or you will get horribly lost.

After viewing it, I knew that this is one that I have to see over again to pick up all the things I missed the first time around. It's definitely on my watch list.What did help was ran an article by Sam Adams that gives a detailed breakdown of the plot line. That helped me fill in the parts that slipped by me on the first viewing. I won't go into the plot whatsoever so that anyone reading this (Hah!) gets a whiff of what it's about. I really appreciated the fact that I went into the theatre absolutely cold about the plot. For me, that made it all the more fun.  I know I really like a movie when I have a wide grin through the film.

What's really great is that a lot of movie goers are enjoying just as much as I. The Internet Movie Database fans (71,248 as of this writing) have rated this film 9.1 out of 10 tying it for for first in the all-time top 250 list in just two weeks! I realize the caveat here in that a lot of fans of the director, Christopher Nolan, went immediately to see this as it first came out, so there is definitely a positive skew initially. But for me it is a terrific film and I recommend it highly. FWIW, Roger Ebert, whom I admire and respect as a film critic gives it four stars.

So, go give your mind a nice workout and see this fine film.