Monday, October 04, 2004

What the F***???

I just finished watching "Pitch Black" on the SciFi channel. The "f" word was said several times, but SciFi dutifully blanked out the word so our virgin ears would not be contaminated. Of course, they were OK showing human victims being torn in half at the torso and having the top half of the torso being winged away by the creatures. What is this??? It's OK for children to see violent, tortuous acts be done to the human body, but NO, NO, NO...keep the poor children from hearing those heinous words!!!

Why is it that violence is all right with the family watching, but foul language is not? George Carlin in one of his first albums said (I'm paraphrasing here) that he would rather have his children watching two people making love than violent acts. I agree.

Here's another good one. ABC put a graphic before "Boston Legal" Sunday night that said partial nudity might offend viewers. The "partial nudity" was a character who came into the office without his pants, so we saw his buttocks. Let's see...I have a have a butt...children have butts...what is the problem here?

In the early days of TV, married couples could not be seen in bed together, thus twin beds. Toilets were verboten. We have come a long way; however, we still have a long way to go.

BTW - If it's OK to write four letter words at this site, please let me know!

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