Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Avengers a fun ride

So I saw The Avengers opening day. I loved it! As I wrote on my post regarding The Hunger Games, I am well north of the targeted demographic. But, I have to admit that as a kid I was a big comic book fan. I loved the DC Comics universe (I even had a Superman subscription) and was not particularly fond of the Marvel world. I didn't hate Marvel, just never got into it.

But I have to say that The Avengers is a terrific ride. I got exactly what I was expecting, so for that, I give it a rave. There are a couple of scenes that are gut-busting, downright funny! In my book, The Hulk steals the movie.

For the geek who might be reading this, here is an article whose writers timed how much screen time each Avenger got.

Also, Scott Mendelson has the skinny on the film's $207 million weekend opening.

Finally, I have to say that the Pepper Potts character portrayed by Gwenyth Paltrow is my personal ideal of a significant other. She's very pretty (to me at least, which is most important), very smart (enables her to rationally cope with just about anything in a relationship...one hopes) and is a great quipster (to keep one intellectually challenged). Now what more can you ask of a person, fictional though she may be? One should be so lucky to find the real thing.

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