Tuesday, August 15, 2017

NYT Crossword 08/15/17 (Tue.)

Cruciverbalist: Zhouqin Burnikel
Editor: Will Shortz

Solving time: 08:28

Puzzle uniqueness:

Types of "collector" clues with wacky answers (Example: Clue = "Stamp collector" with the answer being PASSPORT)

Words I hadn't known until now: 0

Trivia I didn't know: 0

Junk Answers: 

BTU - "Energy measurement, for short"
RTE - "A detour offers a different one: Abbr."
ITAL - "Slanted in print: Abbr."
UFOS - "Subjects of some fuzzy photos, for short"
ENT - "Sinus doc"
ISH - "Kinda sorta"
AHS - "Sighed sounds"

Clever clues: 0

Obscure (i.e., really reaching) words: 0

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