Saturday, October 07, 2017

NYT Crossword 10/5/17 (Thu.)

Cruciverbalist: Alan Arbesfeld
Editor: Will Shortz

Solving time: 14:59

Puzzle uniqueness:

Bumping up adjectives in film titles. Example: SPECIALPEOPLE (From "Ordinary People," 1980)

Words I hadn't known until now: 0

Trivia I didn't know: 

ADLAI - "'Madly for _____' (1952 campaign slogan)" (I knew the answer, just never knew the slogan)
IONA - "The Gaels of the N.C.A.A."
ERNO - "Puzzlemaker Rubik" (I never can remember this)
AGEE - "Jon who wrote and illustrated 'Palindromania!'"
NAS - "'Hip Hop Is Dead' rapper"
SEURAT - "Artist who went Dotty?"

Junk answers:

LTDS - "Bygone Fords"
TMAN - "Prohibition enforcer, informally"
TRALA - "Carefree syllables"
INR - "About"
POS - "> 0: Abbr."

Clever clues: 

BEAN - "Think piece?"

Obscure (i.e., really reaching) words: 0

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