Wednesday, May 24, 2017

"Alien: Covenant" good, but not great

I saw Alien: Covenant yesterday. I liked it, but not as much as I'd hoped.

I'm an Alien franchise fan, and Aliens is one of my all-time favorite action pictures. I've stated in the past that I really love action films, especially the rock 'em sock 'em kind.

While there is fun action in this film, director Ridley Scott and four writers (two "story by" and two "screenplay by") are more into philosophical issues than I care to delve into.

Aliens, for me, was a perfect action film. Some minor themes such as motherhood were touched upon, but they didn't intrude on the great action.

Here, we have two androids (Scott really seems to like androids) discussing moral issues and themes that just didn't interest me. I'm sure there are those fans who want to get into creationism, master/slave ideas, but not me.

I also have problems with a couple of decisions the crew in the film made, though they had to be made to further the plot. I won't get into specifics to preserve this opinion piece as spoiler free.

This film is supposed to occur 10 years after Prometheus and a few years before Alien, but for the life of me I can't figure out how this is going to lead into the first film of the franchise. Scott has expressed interest in making two more Alien movies, so we'll see where it goes.

The bottom line is the action sequences are really excellent, and that's why I do like this film more than not. I will be seeing it again (several times, I think). I get the feeling that this film will grow on me in the coming years.

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