Thursday, May 04, 2017

"No, Elvis is not dead...he just went home"

Saw Men in Black yesterday at the theater. What a pleasant way to spend the afternoon. Another movie that still holds up after twenty years. The exception, of course, are the pop culture references. I do believe that decades down the road those jokes just won't fly. I'm talking about Anthony Robbins, Dennis Rodman, Al Roker, etc. But that's a minor quibble. Though the Elvis quote in the title of this post will certainly stand the test of time!

The many different aliens are still well appreciated. We can thank Rick Baker for that. He's definitely a grand master when it comes to makeup.

I had forgotten the Vincent D'Onofrio played the Bug Man. He was terrific! And, of course, an unknown Tony Shalhoub was also great as the alien who got his head blown off only to be grown back. I love K's departing line, "...or I'll shoot something that won't grow back!" Funny stuff!

Spoiler alert! If you haven't seen the movie and are intending to, don't read any further.

For the past few months for some reason, I've been contemplating the vast expanse of the universe. It is mind bogging just how big it is. Then there's the thought that if there is an end to the universe, what's on the other side of the ending? On the other hand, how can it be infinite?  What about multiverses?

The point of my thoughts is the ending of MiB shows that all the galaxies in our universe are just part of a marble in another universe. Director Barry Sonnenberg has a nice ending camera pull-away from a medium shot of our intrepid heroes, whizzing through our galaxies, to outside the marble being shot by an alien three-fingered hand, then finally deposited into a bag of marbles (Other universes!). Nicely done!

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