Monday, April 17, 2017

"The Fate of the Furious" a Fun Film

Went to see The Fate of the Furious today. I really enjoyed it. It's quite a ride. I've mentioned before that I'm an action/adventure movie guy, and this certainly fills the bill.

Of course, as in all the other Furious films, the laws of physics (and gravity, if that's not a redundancy) are thrown out the window.

Charlize Theron plays the big bad; however, she really didn't get to do all that much. Most of her screen time is in an airplane with an earpiece on barking out orders. One gets the impression she showed up for a week or two, shot all her scenes, collected her millions and went home. I also think that her master plan is a bit muddied.   

There are a few plot holes as well, but with all the action, those can be forgiven. The one beef I have are the fight scenes. They are well choreographed, but for me, the camera is way too close to the action, and the quick (I mean, superfast) edits are disconcerting. I have to admit that this seems to be the modus operandi for most action sequences in Hollywood, and it has been for a while now.

The opening action set piece located in Cuba was exciting. Also, according to the IMDb trivia page (take that for what you will), the producers reportedly set off the biggest explosion ever to occur in Iceland for the film.

A final note: This movie had the greatest weekend opening worldwide ever ($532 million), squeaking by previous champ Stars Wars: The Force Awakens by about $3 million.

I know that if the reader liked the previous Furious movies, you will enjoy this one as well. I recommend it to be seen in the IMAX format, if possible. One thing I love is when the IMAX intro (the countdown) is themed with the movie. I remember the fuse burning through the numbers counted down in the last Mission: Impossible movie as the MI theme music pounded. Quite thrilling...if you're an action fan, that is! 😉

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